Overview of Bolivia

4 February 2022

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Land of contrasts

Bolivia is the land of contrasts in Latin America, with its varied landscapes, its rugged terrain, the country where the infinite green expanse of the Amazon meets the high, snow-capped peaks of the Andes, the land of the altiplano, a vast plateau approaching 4,000 metres in altitude, where herds of llamas and alpacas bask under the unchanging Andean blue sky… The social contrast here is also striking, with chic cafés and gourmet restaurants on one side, modern tower blocks in city centres and Bolivians dressed in the latest European fashions on the other, and thousand-year-old traditions still very much alive, women dressed in old-fashioned dresses and traditional hats, and people who trust witch doctors more than modern medicine …

A country for all traveller profiles

La Bolivie, c’est un pays qui offrira aux voyageurs une exceptionnelle diversité et qui plaira à tous les profils … Alors que les villes coloniales de Potosi et de Sucre raviront les amateurs d’histoire et d’architecture, les passionnés d’archéologie trouveront leur bonheur dans le parc Torotoro oû l’on peut voir des fossiles de dinosaures … Les montagnards, eux, auront à faire avec un nombre incalculable de treks, que ce soit à la journée ou sur 2 semaines, et pas mois de 14 sommets culminant à plus de 6’000 mètres … Les plus aventuriers se rendront dans la vaste forêt amazonienne ou encore dans les désertiques régions de Sajama, du Sud-Lipez ou du mythique Salar d’Uyuni … Enfin, les fêtards et les gourmets trouveront leur plaisir dans les villes de La Paz, de Cochabamba et de Santa Cruz, alors que les féru de sports extrêmes se régaleront dans les Yungas, à Coroico ou à Villa Tunari, ou l’on peut faire du parapente, du canyoning, du VTT ou encore du rafting … En bref, il ne manque que la mer en Bolivie, mais sinon, c’est sans doute un des pays les plus variés au monde, et ceci sur un territoire restreint, on passe parfois de l’aride et froid altiplano à la forêt tropicale chaude et humide en à peine quelques heures de voiture. Avec notre agence Thaki Voyage, spécialiste en Bolivie des voyages sur-mesure, des treks et des ascensions, nous vous proposons nos 5 indispensables de tout voyage dans ce magnifique pays :

The Titicaca Lake

Peaceful and restful, it is a paradise for lovers of nature and tranquillity. It is shared by Bolivia and its neighbour Peru, and is made up of dozens of islands … The centre of Inca mythology, it still plays an important role in the myths and legends of the region. With Thaki Voyage, discover the lake by immersing yourself in the life of one of the many communities that inhabit it: Quehuaya, Santiago de Okola or Chuquiñapi, discover the life of these farmers, fishermen and craftsmen who live on the shores of the highest navigable lake in the world …

Sajama National Park

One of the treasures of western Bolivia and one of the most arid, least inhabited and most exotic areas of our planet… 3 volcanoes culminating at more than 6,000 metres, the twins Pomerapi and Parinacota, and the mythical Sajama, the highest peak in the country. Surrounding this imposing volcano, the national park of the same name contains numerous hot springs and geysers, and is home to thousands of vicuñas, llamas and alpacas. Difficult to access, Thaki will show you this natural jewel, with accommodation in one of the park’s two villages, Sajama or Tomarapi. This is definitely one of the must-sees on any trip to Bolivia, whether for hiking, climbing, skiing or meeting the communities that raise alpacas and llamas… In any case, at the end of a good day’s wandering in the park, there are several hot springs where you can relax!

Salt flat and Sur Lipez

This region in the extreme south-west of the country is quite simply exceptional… You’ll be amazed to discover geysers, lagoons of unreal colours, stretches of sand as far as the eye can see and inaccessible volcanoes with sparkling white tops… Hundreds of pink flamingos, vizcachas, foxes and vicuñas populate this arid desert, and after several days in these enchanting landscapes, you come face to face with the largest salt desert in the world, the mythical and world-famous Salar de Uyuni, which no words can describe because it seems so unreal … Start your tour with our agency in Tupiza, then pass through the colourful landscapes of Samawa, the incredible rocky towers of Ciudad Roma, then the lagoons, volcanoes and geysers to finish in apotheosis with the Salar … and combine this with a hike to Tunupa or a climb up one of the volcanoes in the region to get a little more height.

The Cordillera Real

A paradise for mountaineers and other nature lovers, the Cordillera Royale offers a wealth of hiking and climbing opportunities. Thaki and us are the mountain professionals in Bolivia, and we work only with the best guides in the country. With us, you could be setting off on the trek of a lifetime, a 15-day trek across this imposing mountain range, or an ascent of one of its many peaks, Chachacomani or Huayna Potosi for novices, Illimani or Illampu for the more experienced. The Cordillera Royale, near La Paz, is the best known and the most imposing, with its many peaks over 6,000 metres and its highly aesthetic peaks, but there are other, wilder mountain ranges, such as the mysterious and remote Cordillera Apolobamba…

The communities

Not a destination in itself, but Thaki Voyage is one of the specialists in community tourism in Bolivia. Come and discover with us the handicrafts of the peoples of the altiplano, the life of the miners in the Cordillera Real, immerse yourself in the daily lives of llama breeders in the Sajama Park or quinoa farmers in the south of the country, discover the winegrowers of Tarija or Luribay, where people still work in the traditional way, or visit the Amazon in an original way, by living the life of its native peoples… It’s an original, sustainable and supportive way to discover the country, off the beaten track and away from mass tourism.